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Protects against direct lighting
Reduces noise disturbance
Thermal insulation
Possibility of maintaining partial visibility of the baby
Does not impede the insertion of tubes and lines
Easy to install and remove
6 sections that can be raised (2 right side, 2 left side, 1 head side, 1 feet side)
Polyurethane cover, easily washable to prevent risks of infection
Médipréma’s day/night cover reduces external stressors affecting babies in an intensive care unit. Infants are protected from direct lighting. They are less disturbed by the many noises in these units.
Médipréma’s day/night cover can be very easily placed over the incubator and is just as easy to remove. Certain sections of the cover can be raised to maintain partial visibility of the baby. The cover has been specially designed so as not to impede the insertion of tubes.
100% polyester (PES) fabric for a good sound and thermal insulaton
Per piece