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Anti-pressure ulcer function
Promotes motor development
Limits risks of bone and joint deformities and muscle contractures
Good freedom of movement
Limits primary reflexes
Reproduction of the cocoon effect of the mother’s womb
Several sizes available to adapt to every baby
Numerous positioning options
Ease of use
Easy cleaning and disinfection
Resistant over time and to regular use
Médipréma’s Carewave microbead pillows protect newborns from skin damage thanks to their anti-pressure ulcer function. They limit the risks of bone and joint deformities and muscle contractures by positioning the baby’s limbs appropriately. Composed of polystyrene microbeads, the ultra-flexible positioning pillows hold the baby in position without pressure.
Médipréma products reduce pain and stress in newborn babies, thereby improving their general clinical condition. By permitting voluntary movements and restricting primary reflexes, they promote motor development. The pillows also facilitate routine nursing care by hospital staff and contact with the baby’s family.
The half-moon pillow makes it possible to quickly and easily position the baby appropriately with the head, spine and legs correctly aligned. The risks of chandelier arm and frog’s leg postures are avoided. Whether they are lying on their side, front or back, babies are securely supported.
The Flexitube pillow offers significant freedom of use since the pillow can be shaped depending on the situation and medical requirements. It can also surround the baby, thus reproducing the cocoon effect of the mother’s womb.
Washable protective jersey knit cover :
Demi-lune and its protection cover
Packing : per piece
Flexitube and its protection cover
Packing : per piece
CE marking