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Hand chart with handle
Text paragraph for literate adults
Lines of Symbols for Illiterate Adults and Children
The Parinaud test is an optometric chart that measures near visual acuity thanks to its handle. It is the most widely used test in medical practices, occupational medicine, etc., to test near vision and detect possible ophthalmic problems.
2 models of hand-held optometric chart to test near vision.
Double-sided for literates (ref. EL)
Double-sided for illiterates - Armaignac tests and children (ref. EI)
The lettered version of the chart is made up of a series of paragraphs in decreasing sizes.
The illiterate version is made up of a series of easily identifiable symbols of decreasing sizes for the children/illiterate version.
• White PVC plate with transparent plexiglass handle
• Dimensions (LxW): 34x13.5cm
• Thickness: 2mm
• Weight: 118g
• Printing: black color
Accessory (not included) : Eye patch to hide one eye while reading
Class I Medical Device