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Distance visual acuity
Angular visual acuity
Astigmatism test
Literate adults
Illiterate adults
Plastic wall ladders
Hung by a tiny chain
The optometric plastic charts are equipped with a chain so that they can be easily fixed to the wall. Easily transportable, they are very simple to use for people without a fixed surgery or for external consultations during screenings in schools or businesses.
There are different optometric tests to measure distance vision to diagnose hyperopia, astigmatism and myopia:
The MONOYER charts are Latin letter optometric tests for testing the distance visual acuity of literate patients.
• MONOYER test - Direct reading at 5 m (ref. T1)
• MONOYER test - Inverse reading at 2.50 m (ref. T2)
• MONOYER test - Direct reading at 3 m (ref. T5)
The digit optometric test makes it possible to simply test the visual acuity from afar of literate or illiterate patients.
• NUMBERS test - Direct reading at 5 m (ref. T9)
• NUMBERS test - Inverse reading at 2.50 m (ref. T10)
The Arabic optometry test allows the ophthalmologist to check distance visual acuity in patients who can read and speak Arabic.
• ARABIC character test - Direct reading at 5 m (ref. T11)
Angular visual acuity test
• ARMAIGNAC test for illiterates - Direct reading at 5 m (ref. T6)
The ARMAIGNAC test for illiterates tests angular visual acuity, by direct reading at 5 m.
The Armaignac test, or Snellen trident test, can be used with illiterate people. It is also very useful for literate subjects to prevent them from guessing the letters.
This test uses pattern recognition and uses as an optotype a trident or Raskin's E whose orientation changes on the panel and whose size varies with each line. The patient must determine the position of the optotype.
• LANDOLT test for illiterates - Direct reading at 5 m (ref. T7)
The LANDOLT test for the illiterate makes it possible to check angular visual acuity from a distance, by direct reading at 5 m.
The Landolt ring test uses pattern recognition. The optotype used consists of a broken circle whose orientation changes (Landolt's ring). The patient must indicate the position of the break (there are 8 possible answers against only 4 for the optotype of the Armaignac scale).
The Landolt optometric test has the advantage of being usable with illiterates and also makes it possible to prevent literate subjects from guessing the letters, even when they appear scrambled to them.
Visual acuity test for children
These visual acuity tests for children allow early detection of vision disorders. It is used in medical practices, pediatric practices, schools ... to check morphoscopic visual acuity, by direct reading at 5 m.
• Test for CHILDREN - Direct reading at 5 m (ref. T8)
This optometric test uses the recognition of optotypes of familiar shapes, suitable for children.
• DDASS scale for children - Direct reading at 5 m (ref. T15)
The DDASS Children optometric scale makes it possible to make an initial diagnosis of ametropia (Hypermetropia or hyperopia, Myopia, Astigmatism, etc.) by using the recognition of optotypes of familiar shapes.
• PIGASSOU chart
The PIGASSOU optometric chart is used to assess distance visual acuity for children. He must recognize and name the object shown to him on the eye chart or designate it on the matching test provided.
Pigassou ladder available in different formats
• PIGASSOU chart direct reading at 2.5 m + pairing test on plastic (ref. T20)
• PIGASSOU chart direct reading at 2.5 m on Altuglas + pairing test on plastic (ref. T20A)
• Pairing test for PIGASSOU (ref. TA T20)
Astigmatism test
The Parent Dial is used to help detect astigmatism. It looks like a time dial with 24 equidistant rays of 15°. The normal-vision subject sees all lines of equal thickness, while the patient with astigmatism finds some grayer, fuzzier, thicker.
• Parent's astigmatism dial - Direct reading (ref. CP1)
• Parent's astigmatism dial - Inverse reading (ref. CP2)
Each test can be used with a spoon eye patch or lorgnette eye patch
ARABIC character test - Direct reading at 5 m (ref. T11)
Angular visual acuity test
Acuity visual test for children
Infant test
DDASS scale for children
Astigmatism test
Class I Medical Device