In accordance with the French law n°2011‐2012 of December 29, 2011 relating to the reinforcement of the health security of the drug and the health products, click here to certify that you are a health professional and thus be authorized to access information.
I attest that I am a healthcare professional :
Fixed tests and interchangeable tests
Numerous text choices
Direct reading at 5 m
Illuminated chart with overall lighting
Supplied with 1 test chosen from among :
- Monoyer (5m)
- Monoyer (inv. 2.50m)
- Monoyer (3m)
- Armaignac (5m)
- Landolt (5m)
- Children (5m)
- Numbers (inv. 2.5m)
- Arabic (5m)
- Arabic (inv. 2.5m)
- Compound (5m)
Supplied with 2 tests chosen from among :
- Monoyer (5m)
- Monoyer (inv. 2.50m)
- Armaignac (5m)
- Landolt (5m)
- Children (5m)
- Numbers (inv. 2.5m)
Illuminated chart with overall lighting
Reference : ETFL
Box dimensions : 270 x 120 x 777 mm high
Option : Dalton screen (green and red)
Illuminated chart with interchangeable tests - overall lighting
Reference : ETIN FL
Box dimensions : 270 x 120 x 777 mm high
Class I Medical Device