CORONAVIRUS information
To support the hospitals, médipréma group maintains its production, while ensuring the safety of its collaborators.
Following the French and Belgian governments‘ measures to limit the propagation of the Coronavirus, the large majority of the administrative staff is on home office since the 17th of march 2020 and available by e-mail and phone. The production teams are still operative, and the expeditions maintained, as much as possible. We can therefore respond to our hospital customers’ needs, and do our best to maintain the delivery times, which can be disturbed because of the current sanitary situation. We are aware that our products participate to take care the most fragile lives, and we intend to make then functional despite the exceptional situation. Also, we take the opportunity to comment the courage and the commitment of our production teams, all the intermediaries and the nursing staff allowing to provide the necessary cares during these difficult times. Please take care of yourself and your loved ones.